
Mark Terry-Lush



From Rock Stars to True Crime, Pinterest Hams up the Theatrics, and Workday, Medius, and Canva’s Bold Campaigns

In B2B marketing, sometimes it’s easy to think you’re playing a different game than the flashy, consumer-facing campaigns of B2C brands. But there’s a lot we can learn from both markets. So, grab your coffee and let’s dive into how Pinterest, Workday, Medius, and Canva are challenging traditional B2B campaign thinking.

Pinterest’s Theatrical Twist: A Show of Immersion

Ever thought a B2B conference could be anything but dull? Pinterest certainly did, flipping the script with Pinvision – an immersive theatrical experience. Picture this: a journey through Pinterest’s inner workings, complete with live actors, interactive demos, and even a rap performance in the board room. Yes, you read that right.

This isn’t just for show. By creating a captivating, memorable experience, Pinterest ensured its message stuck with the attendees. For B2B marketers, the takeaway is clear: creating an emotional connection can be just as important as delivering the hard facts. So, why not think outside the PowerPoint presentation and craft an experience that gets  your audience talking?

Workday’s Rock Star Campaign: Hitting the High Notes

Workday brought out the big guns (or guitars, if you will) with their “We’re All Rock Stars” campaign featuring none other than Gwen Stefani, Travis Barker, and Billy Idol. This isn’t just about star power for the sake of it. By drawing a parallel between corporate achievers and rock legends, Workday celebrated its clients in a fun, relatable way, bringing rock and roll to B2B.

What’s the lesson? It’s about celebrating, not case studying, your customers to make them feel like the heroes of their own stories. Take a moment to shine a spotlight on what matters to them outside of work as well as during 9-5,  and show you’re part of their journey to stardom.

Medius’ True Crime Podcast: Stealing the Spotlight

Tapping into the uber trend of  of true crime and whodunnits Medius took a thrilling turn with its podcast, Accounts Deceivable. By creating gripping stories of white-collar fraud in a true crime style, they convinced buyers that corporate cyber crime can happen to everyone. This campaign teaches us the power of storytelling in B2B. Don’t just list features and benefits – ride the cultural zeitgeist and tell a story that grabs your audience by the collar and doesn’t let go. Whether it’s through a podcast, a video series, or a blog, find the human angle in your product or service and run with it.

Canva’s Conference Cringe: Lessons in Authenticity

When someone mentions Co-op, the first things that probably come to mind are retail stores and funeral directors, probably not live music, angry musicians, or a PR dumpster fire. But this is exactly what the Co-op Live Arena has brought down upon the brand.

Canva’s recent conference in LA had all the makings of a great event – except for a musical performance that was panned as peak cringe. A reminder that while trying to stay relevant to a Gen Z crowd, authenticity is key. Nobody likes forced coolness.

For B2B marketers, it’s a lesson in staying true to your brand and knowing your audience. If you’re going to try something bold, make sure it resonates with genuine interests and doesn’t feel like you’re trying too hard. Authenticity wins every time.

So, why should B2B marketers care about these bold swings that ape the B2C world? Because the lines between B2B and B2C have blurred, and the expectations for engagement and creativity are higher than ever. Here are our key takeaways:

Create Experiences: Don’t be afraid to turn your next product launch or conference into an immersive event. Make it memorable.

Celebrate Your Customers: Use creative campaigns to highlight the success of your clients. Make them feel like rock stars.

Tell Compelling Stories: Whether through podcasts, videos, or articles, use storytelling to make your product or service relatable and engaging.

Stay Authentic: Know your brand and your audience. Authenticity beats trying to be cool every time.

By taking inspiration from these B2C campaigns, you can add a little rock and roll, a touch of theatre, and a dose of storytelling magic to your marketing playbook. After all, who says B2B can’t be exciting?

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