
Mark Terry-Lush



No matter England’s performance on the pitch or your Southgate allegiance, Euro 2024 is proving a goldmine for broadcasters and advertisers with industry experts predicting a total TV ad spend linked to the tournament reaching at least £46 million (WARC).

A single 30-second slot during a primetime England match on ITV can fetch a staggering half a million pounds, says Karen Martin, CEO of BBH UK and Ireland, the agency behind the current Paddy Power ad featuring Danny Dyer.

Sporting events are more competitive than ever for brands, but they are not competing against other advertisers, they are competing against entertainment everywhere for cut through and authenticity.

The number of brands advertising during the Euros has doubled since the last tournament, which means the need for creative that resonates with fans and audiences is stronger than ever.

“You have to have a good reason to show up,” Martin explains. “Slapping a brand on and saying something like ‘go football’ isn’t going to cut through.”

This politely summarises the baffling pitchside slogans or messaging of brands like hashtag#Anton (who, what?), hashtag#AliExpress (Beckham, why?), hashtag#Hisense (TikTok hashtag#fail), hashtag#Atos (erm, what?), hashtag#Doha (“world best airport”!) hashtag#WORLDFIRST (“who are you, who are you?”) etc etc. Fans do not care – they know you are here today, gone tomorrow.

We marketers see through your short-term reach KPIs, and say to you that consumers have no reason to believe you give a toss about football. This is clear if you scratch the surface and see no grass roots connection or underlying evidence from reviews, awards, influencers or experiences.

The Euro 2024 ad spend surge reflects a larger trend – brands tend to wait for big moments, and we’ve had a lot lately like the Women’s World Cup, the Men’s World Cup, Christmas… but the Euro’s suddenly offer a unique (pre Olympics) opportunity to connect with a nation united behind their team.

At Honey, we try to impress on our clients the power of live sport in today’s marketing landscape. In a gloomy post-election summer, sport is a bigger priority for many. It’s live, it’s emotional, and with social media, you can connect with the audience in real-time. People want to come together and share the experience, and brands don’t alway capitalise on that, preferring their own key messages to what matters to fans.

Looking ahead to the England vs Spain final on Sunday, expect a barrage of not-so creative campaigns as brands fight to stand out and capture the national mood.

This football bonanza underscores the enduring power of major sporting events, but disappoints creatively. Share your favourite campaigns, and the hashtag#fails below.

#sportsmarketing #sportspr #pr #social #euro2024 #sponsorship
