Event Marketing


The most igniting marketing events, designed to disrupt the narrative and truly live on in memory past a single moment.

Exhibition/Event Marketing Agency

As TV and radio have lost their marketing lustre, businesses have had to think outside the box to come up with new ways to engage existing and potential customers. One method more and more brands are embracing is event marketing (also commonly referred to as “experiential” marketing).

Marketing events are nothing new, but until recently they occupied a relatively small niche and consumed only a tiny part of the average company’s marketing budget. Oh how times have changed. Today, it’s not uncommon for event marketing to consume up to 50% of a marketing budget.

Whether that investment produces a return depends almost entirely on the event marketing agency you use.

Make Honey Event Marketing Agency

Creating an effective marketing event today is not as simple as setting up a booth at a convention. As such, your in-house marketing team may not know where to start. That’s where Make Honey Event Marketing Services come in.

Our event marketing experts handle every step of the process from initial concept through fabrication and execution. They specialise in that coveted outside-the-box thinking and are able to devise innovative, leading-edge ways to bring your product or service together with the people who want it.

At Make Honey, we understand that the old ways of reaching a target audience are history. What’s needed now is a fresh approach that speaks to up-and-coming consumers whose experience with TV, radio and print media is virtually nonexistent. Experiential marketing is proving itself to be that fresh approach.

ALIBABA CLOUD, Generating leads through whitepapers, and more

Alibaba Cloud is a cloud computing provider and part of Alibaba Group. It is the largest cloud vendor in China, but wanted to stand out beyond its home market where competitors such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are more established.

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Quality Matters

At Make Honey, good enough is never good enough, and yesterday’s solutions just won’t do in today’s world. The businesses that entrust us with the responsibility of devising innovative and exciting marketing events expect more from us, and we deliver time after time.

Whether you are launching a new product or service, attempting to extend your reach into new markets or simply trying to resuscitate a brand that’s been on life support, here are some of the ways we can help.


Marketing Creative Without Boundaries

Every client is different and every event is different. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all marketing anymore. The world is changing at breakneck speed, driven in large part by changes in the way people seek out and absorb information and the multitude of ways they now experience the world around them.

Event marketing is flexible enough to adapt on the fly to changing technology, changing tastes and changing habits. The team at Make Honey Event Marketing Agency have the experience, technical savvy and creative vision necessary to craft marketing events that raise eyebrows, generate smiles, and promote brand loyalty.

Regardless of if you’re trying to drive foot traffic to your new shop, attempting to launch a new lifestyle product into an already crowded marketplace, or you need to create a virtual event that will help you rally the troops at your various locations, Make Honey can help.

Different ways our event branding agency can help

After being stuck in their homes for months on end, people are craving real human contact. Live marketing events are going to be where it’s at in 2022. A live event encompasses all aspects of event marketing, enabling you to combine sight, sound, touch, smell and, depending on the circumstances, taste as well. Ask about our live event marketing packages.

While live events are destined to come back in force, virtual events powered by recent advances in technology are also bound to play an important role in the growth of event marketing going forward. Our virtual event organisers will create a digital experience that perfectly expresses your brand essence while reaching out and embracing the diverse elements of your community.

Most of us these days live hybrid lives that combine the real and virtual worlds. Why should marketing events be any different? Our event marketing services team can create a hybrid event for you that combines the best of both worlds, with live experiences, remote speakers, on-demand components and virtual reality features that will drive engagement by telling your story in unique and compelling ways.

Taking Your Brand to the People

Whether face to face or virtual, a Make Honey event is led by world-class creativity that’s zeroed in on helping you achieve your goals. To that end, we employ a three-step process:


Creating authentic concepts that connect with real living humans for the purpose of commercial advancement requires:

  • Market insight
  • A strategic mindset
  • Conceptual design skills

Birthing The Experience

Conceptualising an event is one thing. It’s a whole ‘nother thing to transform that concept into an experience, whether real or virtual. Doing so requires extensive knowledge of:

  • The nuances of brand activation
  • Delivering on time and within budget
  • Managing the event from A to Z


Positive endorsement is proven to drive ecommerce purchases


Win credibility, trust and visibility to impact decision making


Creators and key opinion leaders deliver authentic content


Creative impact through stories that spark social sales conversations


Create content from inspired activations, partnerships and events

Honey has taken TP-Link UK from a predominantly B2B brand to be a regular in lifestyle media and in our social communities. Honey demonstrates a perceptive and dynamic approach to getting results.

Emma Lattimer, Marketing Manager


Following Up

An event is not a one-way street. If done right, you should learn as much about your customers as they learn about you.